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Foster a spirit of peace and love and Community cooperation to promote
The values and traditions of interdependence and solidarity.
2. Conflict resolution and peace education and youth guidance towards
Creative work.


Combating poverty by all possible means including financing off poor

Capacity development experiences in different regions of the in Iraq, Syria,

Egypt and all the countries in the Arab countries in order to contribute to

The development of their communities in the areas of education, health,

Culture and economic and social development.


Contributing to disaster relief campaigns, wars and helping victims.​​

Foster a spirit of peace and love and Community cooperation to promote

The values and traditions of interdependence and solidarity.



Restoration and construction of houses of displaced people and restore the

Sustainability of life

8. Supporting schools by focusing on the poor areas and combat illiteracy.

9. Contribute to the improvement of public health and the fight against endemic

Diseases such as malaria and diseases STDs/AIDS and support to public hospitals

By any means possible.

10. Contribute to the resettlement of displaced people, refugees and social

Rehabilitation to facilitate their integration in society.


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